Georgia Freemasonry

within the AMSRB-NATO Club
under the Valley of Washington, D.C.

Columbus Resources

Mt. Hermon Lodge No. 304 & Valley of Columbus
Columbus, Georgia Candidates & Members

European Representative
Columbus Freemasonry & Scottish Rite

Cameron J. Davis, 32°
German Phone: +49 152-27718360
US Phone: +1 202-239-1183

German Address
Franz-Hammer-Str 7,
71263, Weil der Stadt

US Address
CMR 480 Box 812
APO, AE 09128

Mount Hermon Lodge No. 304, Grand Lodge of Georgia, F&AM

Lodge Phone: 334-560-2272 (Lodge Secretary)
Lodge Email:

Meeting Times

  • 2nd Thu @ 7:00 PM – Every month

Mailing Address:
20 Stewart Rd.
Seale, AL 36875

Street Address
3614 Norris Rd.
Columbus , GA   31907

Worshipful MasterBaron L. Conklin, PM
Senior WardenJoseph E. Davis
Junior WardenWesley B. Oliver
TreasurerKevin E. Pinet, PM
SecretaryAugust “Chip” A. Beyer, IV, PM
Assistant Secretary
(European Representative)
Cameron J. Davis, DDGM (ACGL 3rd Masonic District)

District 4


Robert M. Grant
DDGM- Leader

Dennis D. Buchanan
District Master

Phone: 1-478-742-1475

Street Address
811 Mulberry Street
Macon , GA   31201-6779

Mailing Address: 
PO Box 4665
Macon, GA 31208-4665

Contact List & Responsibilities

Julie Hickman – Admin Assistant to the Grand Secretary / Office Manager

Out-of-state transfer certificates and out-of-state certificates of good standing for plural membership, demits, request to withdraw dual membership, out of state and country correspondence, district conventions, dispensations, By-Laws/Amendments, and Code Bills and Resolutions. Membership and out-of-state Years of Service Awards. Eagle Scouts Awards, Dues Cards.

Jena Farran

Awards, Publications, In-state transfer certificates and in-state certificates of good standing for plural membership, publication mailings, recognition certificates (such as Master Mason Diplomas, Past Master Certificates, Widows Pins & Certificates, Resolution of Respect, etc.).

Penny Hales – Grand Lodge Bookkeeper

A band of English colonists under the leadership of General James Edward Oglethorpe, British soldier, statesman and humanitarian, arrived on the west bank of the Savannah River on February 12, 1733. This was the birth of the English Province of Georgia, the last of the Thirteen Colonies. Georgia was the southwestern frontier of British America for many years.

In the same year, December 13, 1733, the Grand Lodge of England at its Quarterly Communication in London adopted a resolution to “collect the Charity of this Society towards enabling the Trustees (of Georgia) to send distressed Brethren to Georgia where they may be comfortably provided for…that it be strenuously (sic) recommended by the Masters and Wardens of regular Lodges to make a generous collection amongst all their Members for that purpose…”

Some three months later, February 21, 1734, a Lodge of Freemasons was organized at Savannah under the “old Customs” (without warrant). Noble Jones, intimate friend of James Oglethorpe, was initiated on that date, the first Freemason made in Georgia. On December 2, 1735, the Lodge was warranted by the Grand Lodge of England and entered on the engraved list as “The Lodge at Savannah in Ye Province of Georgia”. It was assigned number 139 on the register of English Lodges. By 1770 its number had been reduced to No. 63 and by 1792 it was No. 46, although no longer an English Lodge.

The Lodge at Savannah changed its name in or prior to 1770 to Solomon’s Lodge. In 1774 and 1775, respectively, the Grand Lodge of England warranted two more Lodges in Savannah, Unity No. 465 and Grenadiers No. 481. Both Lodges died an early death.

Except for that brief period, Solomon’s Lodge was the only Lodge in Georgia from 1734 until 1785. Solomon’s Lodge was the second duly constituted Lodge in America, next only to a Lodge in Boston warranted in 1733. Solomon’s Lodge is the Mother Lodge of Georgia.

Serving as Provincial Grand Masters in Georgia were: Grey Elliott, 1760 until he was succeeded in 1771 by Noble Jones. Brother Jones served until his death in 1775. Sometime during the War for Independence, Samuel Elbert, American soldier and later Governor of Georgia, was “elected” Provincial Grand Master. On December 15, 1786, Brother Elbert resigned as Provincial Grand Master so that the independent Grand Lodge of Georgia might be formed.

A group of dissident Freemasons in Savannah, disapproving the workings of Solomon’s Lodge, petitioned the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania in 1784 for a charter to organize a Lodge. Their petition was granted by Pennsylvania on March 31, 1785, the Lodge being listed on Pennsylvania’s register as no. 42, to be known as Hiram Lodge, Savannah, Georgia.

In the true spirit of Freemasonry the differences between the two Lodges were soon reconciled. In the following year it is known that two additional Lodges existed in the state, one at Augusta and one at Washington. It is believed these four Lodges, on December 16, 1786, met together and created the most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons for the State of Georgia. William Stephens, Past Master of Solomon’s Lodge, now No. 1, and the first U.S. Court Judge in Georgia, was elected and installed Grand Master.

The next eight Lodges in Georgia were: Columbia No. 3, Augusta; St. Louis No. 4, Washington; Washington No. 5, Washington; St. John’s No. 6, Sunbury; Little River No. 7, Little River; St. Patrick’s No. 8, Waynesboro; St. George’s No. 9, Kiokas; Union No. 10, Savannah.

With the exception of Solomon’s No. 1, all of the above Lodges are extinct. Social Lodge, originally No. 18, Augusta, Georgia, now also No. 1, was chartered in December, 1799. Georgia has 402 Lodges and 32,773 members.

Freemasonry has existed continuously in Georgia since 1734. The Grand Lodge of Georgia, F. & A. M., has existed since 1786.

The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons for the of Georgia was incorporated with perpetual duration on February 6, 1796, by an Act of the General Assembly of Georgia passed for that purpose, and has been delivered down to the present day.

Once your petition is submitted, the Lodge will request a Letter of Good Standing from the ACGL through the Grand Lodge of Georgia. Once the petition is accepted by vote, the Master will assign an investigation committee as usual which will then be conducted through Zoom. The Lodge will then vote for membership.

There are no direct affiliation petition fees beyond the annual dues. To affiliate with the Lodge, you must pay the dues (petition fee) prior to the first reading of the petition in Lodge. The currently dues/petition fees are $84, however, as payments are made by PayPal, you must cover the transation fees. Pay your dues/petition fees of $86.50 using the PayPal button here or by using the email address

Valley of Columbus, Orient of Georgia
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction

Joseph F. Oelgoetz III, 33°, Personal Representative
Valley Phone: 706-587-1910 (General Secretary)
Valley Email:

Meeting Times

  • 3rd Fri – Every month: Meal 6:00 PM / meeting 7:00 PM

Mailing Address:
PO Box 727
Columbus, GA 31901

Street Address:
1027 2nd Ave
Columbus, GA 31901

Personal RepresentativePhilip E. Harris, 33°
General SecretaryJoseph R. Oelgoetz, III, 33°
Director of Knowledge Management & Communications / European RepresentativeCameron Davis, 32° KCCH
Venerable Master, Lodge of Perfection (4°–14°)Roger Buterbaugh, 33°
Wise Master, Chapter of Rose Croix (15°–18°)Bill Block, 32° KCCH
Commander, Council of Kadosh (19°–30°)Harold Culpepper, 32° KCCH
Master of Kadosh, Consistory (31°–32°)Harry Ross, 32° KCCH
Knight Commander, Knights of St. AndrewSir Russell E. Ward, 32°

Stay up to date with all the latest Columbus Scottish Rite updates, information, Masonic education, news, and events.

Ted Collins, 33°, Sovereign Grand Inspector General

James D. Cole, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander
Phone: 202–232–3579 / 202–464–0487

Scottish Rite Creed

Human progress is our cause,
liberty of thought our supreme wish,
freedom of conscience our mission,
and the guarantee of equal rights to all people everywhere our ultimate goal.

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, SJ, to improve its members and enhance the communities in which they live by teaching and emulating the principles of Brotherly Love, Tolerance, Charity, and Truth, while actively embracing high social, moral, and spiritual values, including fellowship, compassion, and dedication to God, family, and country.

Main Office

The Supreme Council, 33°
1733 16th St. NW
Washington, DC 20009


7 am – 5 pm (Eastern Time)
Monday – Thursday
Closed Friday.

Completing your Online Petition

First, you must first be a member of a Lodge in Georgia (Mt. Hermon No. 304) before submitting a Petition for the Scottish Rite Valley of Columbus. Please review the highlighted sections below and then click the petition button at the end. If you have any question, please contace Cameron Davis, +49 (0)1522-7718360 before submitting your petition.

When completing the petition, be sure to select Columbus for your Valley and Georgia for the Orient.

If you do not have a US Phone Number, use this number and once you are entered into the Scottish Rite member directory, we can adjust it to your local number.

Remember to use Mt. Hermon Lodge No. 304 in Columbus Georgia when completing the Masonic Information section of the Scottish Rite Petition.